Become our next Chief Executive
We want everyone in Cheshire and Merseyside to have a great start in life and get the support they need to stay healthy and live longer
Watch our Chair, Raj Jain, introduce the role of Chief Executive
Dear Candidate
Thank you for your interest in NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board and in this unique and exciting opportunity to join the organisation as our new Chief Executive.
We serve a population of more than 2.7 million people across nine Local Authority areas, making Cheshire and Merseyside one of the largest and most diverse systems in the country. We have a strong track record of partnership working and a joint vision to ensure that everyone in Cheshire and Merseyside has a great start in life and gets the support they need to stay healthy and live longer. I’m proud of the progress we have already made in the development of our shared ambition of integration to improve access, experience, and outcomes for both our workforce and local populations. However, we still have work to do to realise the huge potential of our organisation and wider Health and Care Partnership.
With a new 10 Year Plan for the NHS set to be published in 2025 – focused on prevention, care closer to home, and better use of technology – we remain focused on building further on the success of integrated neighbourhood teams to support seamless, person-centred care, while also working to tackle health inequalities by improving the lives of the poorest fastest.
Our new Chief Executive will be the driving force leading the new era of health and care services for the populations of Cheshire and Merseyside. We will continue to work closely with our partners to ensure effective collaboration and integration and, as our Chief Executive, you will support the delivery of our integrated care strategy, using joined-up data and digital capabilities to understand our local priorities and drive forward innovation and efficiencies.
We are seeking a values-led, inclusive and credible leader who will inspire our workforce and partners across the region to deliver the best possible care for our communities. You will share our belief in the huge opportunities offered by integrated health and care services, recognising the power of digitisation in achieving change and improved outcomes. Strong stakeholder engagement is key, alongside the ability to work effectively with colleagues in NHS England as well as partners, staff, patients and the public across our system. We are keen to welcome applications from leaders who are committed to inclusion and we value the different lived experience of all our Board members.
I hope you will enjoy exploring this microsite to discover more about our journey, vision and commitment to the people we serve across Cheshire and Merseyside. If you recognise yourself in our vision, values and the role description, we very much look forward to hearing from you. In the first instance I would encourage you to connect with our recruitment partners at GatenbySanderson; Emma Pickup, Niamh Blair or Carmel Bell on or 07917 826639.
On behalf of the Board, thank you for your interest in this role. I look forward to meeting you during the process.
Raj Jain